Group Members
Alexander Mathis, PhD | Assistant Professor
Our work strives to understand how the brain creates complex behavior. To achieve that goal, in part, we develop tools for the measurement of behavior and make sure that they are broadly accessible to the community. Secondly, we make models and theories to elucidate how the brain gives rise to adaptive behaviors with a specific focus on motor control and sensorimotor learning. Measuring behavior is key for assessing and constraining these models.
Bio: Diplom in Mathematics and PhD with Prof. Andreas Herz (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich) | Postdoc with Prof. Venkatesh N. Murthy (Harvard University) and Prof. Matthias Bethge (Tuebingen AI).
Contact: | google scholar & GitHub | address, telephone et al.
Current Lab Members
We also host internal and external Bachelor as well as Master’s project students. Here we only list full time lab members.
(Selected) past and present collaborators:
Prof. Mackenzie Mathis (EPFL)
Prof. Michael Dimitriou (Umea)
Prof. Catherine Dulac (Harvard)
Prof. Friedhelm Hummel (EPFL)
Marc Pollefeys (ETH)
Prof. Lee Miller (Northwestern University)